Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Why hello there! I'm Haein, and this is an experimental-mini-adventure-crafty-bookish blog, designed to sort of, record my days in mostly pictorial form.
We'll see how things turn out. I'll be blogging about all sorts of things that don't quite fit into my art blog (haeinland.blogspot.com). I've always wanted to have a nifty little space for my day to day adventures to rest upon so I'm quite excited to see this baby grow!

Alright, to get kick-started, let me give you a tour of my space (i.e. the motherland of where most of my artworks are given life. Also the place where I sit and eat peppermint ice-cream the most).

I only just finished cleaning up my room recently and I'm trying my best to keep it clean! 
Well, I best be off for now. See you soon!


1 comment:

  1. Aww how wonderful! I want to have a space like this of my own

