Tuesday, January 29, 2013


So a couple of days ago, my lovely friend Ellen (henceforth called Tree Princess or TP for short) and I went on a mini expedition to explore the Japanese sub-culture in Sydney. TP, who just freshly arrived back to good ol' Straya after a year in Japan has been missing it's culture like cray cray! So we went ahead and explored the caverns of Kinokunyia (Japanese bookstore that is fudging radically awesome), retrieved some treasures within the confines of a Japanese grocery store and finally dined at a Japanese restaurant. Alas! The Japanese spell was broken with a stop at Starbucks where I drank (with relish might I add) my cup of glory (iced green tea latte).

The day was well spent, me thinks. Sometimes it's nicer for a toned down, chillaxed sort of day, especially if you're spending it with someone you cherish.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

To Germany We Go

Hello! I just realised that I hardly introduced myself. I'm Haein, a little person living in Sydney, Australia. I love alot of things, but in a nutshell I guess I could be described as a little bit off-centre, vintage-loving, inventive baking, water colouring, old music fancying, snail-mailing and abit of a science dork. I'm passionate about space, animation, animal rights and fart jokes. I study animation/international at the University of Technolgy of Sydney (UTS) and I have a fear of moths following me. 

Oh and as part of my international studies component, I'm required to study at a foreign country.


Hurray for me! I can already feel the awesomeness of Germany in my bones. Beautiful little cafes, strolling down cute roads, drinking beer (I dream they have something the equivalent to butterbeer there), just feeling the vibe of the place. A feeling inside me tells me I'll love Germany so much that eventually I'l end up living there. Fingers crossed. 
Don't get me wrong; I love Australia whole-heartedly. I mean, I lived here all my life! But I ache to see new things, breathe new air, taste new things... and once I'm in Europe, I'm in. Once you're in a European country, it's not too hard to travel across countries (well that's what I've gathered from tales told by friends). Apparently you can even bus it to a different country! Its like, "How yah doin'? Just arrived at Paris from Berlin. No biggie". That's insanely amazing! Maybe I'm just a naive person who has only seen 0.000001% of the world so everything I'm astonished about is very blase to you, but I don't care. Earth is so full of wonders, I'm eager to explore every inch of it. Baby steps at a time.

I need to save up big money though. I have two years to gather, penny by penny, a substantial amount for a comfortable living there.

Therefore, I made a cute-as (if I can say so myself) money box for me!

Hee hee :D 
I already deposited a fair amount I saved up from work (I work at a jewellery store).
I can't wait till I open it in 2 years and get swallowed by an ocean of money.

Well, see you soon!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Why hello there! I'm Haein, and this is an experimental-mini-adventure-crafty-bookish blog, designed to sort of, record my days in mostly pictorial form.
We'll see how things turn out. I'll be blogging about all sorts of things that don't quite fit into my art blog (haeinland.blogspot.com). I've always wanted to have a nifty little space for my day to day adventures to rest upon so I'm quite excited to see this baby grow!

Alright, to get kick-started, let me give you a tour of my space (i.e. the motherland of where most of my artworks are given life. Also the place where I sit and eat peppermint ice-cream the most).

I only just finished cleaning up my room recently and I'm trying my best to keep it clean! 
Well, I best be off for now. See you soon!
